How Company Culture Shapes Both Team Member & Client Success

News flash! Unless you are a self-employed team of one, workplace culture is integral to your business’ success. Company culture is the shared ethos of your organization. It is the sum of your behaviors and values and is influenced by everyone who works there. In this blog, we will explore what factors make up a positive work environment and its benefits, from employee retention to improving client results. Get ready to YASSIFY your enterprise! 

COVID’s lasting impact — combined with the rise of employer-review websites like Glassdoor and Indeed — has changed how people seek employment. Nearly every organization struggled in some way over the past two years due to the pandemic, but a common factor among those thriving is great company culture and transparency.

So what does this all mean? Say it with us! There’s more to attracting awesome applicants than compensation and benefits! 

People spending 40+ hours working for a company want to have a stake in it, whether through personal relationships, financial investments, or aligned values. 

According to Glassdoor, when searching for a new job:

  • 77% of respondents said they would consider a company’s culture before applying.
  • 89% told researchers that it was important for employers to “have a clear mission and purpose.”
  • 73% of respondents said they “would not apply to a company unless its values align with my own personal values.”

What are the benefits of good company culture?

In his Harvard Business Review article, Shawn Achor, Author of The Happiness Advantage, states, “…. the single greatest advantage in the modern economy is a happy and engaged workforce. A decade of research proves that happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome: raising sales by 37%, productivity by 31%, and accuracy on tasks by 19%, as well as a myriad of health and quality of life improvements.”

Here are some benefits of having a strong, unified company culture:

  • Talent Retention
    When you are equitable and rewarding to your employees, they’re more likely to want to stay for a long time!
  • Motivation
    If your culture prioritizes setting and meeting goals, your team will be more likely to set and meet goals of their own.
  • High Morale
    Employee experience and company culture are intrinsically linked. From small courtesies like speaking with your employees, rather than at your employees, to fullscale team builds, like this one our team just took to Disney World(!), your employees’ Satisfaction is key to a thriving workplace.
  • Innovation
    Believe us when we say – employees who feel engaged and comfortable sharing their ideas are more likely to push them and produce innovative results! Provide risk-taking support for the best results!
  • Positive Reputation
    Treating your team well isn’t just a decent thing to do. It also increases loyalty among clients and employees alike. 86% of potential employees would not apply or continue to work for a company that has a bad reputation with former employees or the public.

Financial Returns
Having a culture that attracts high talent can lead to 33% higher revenue.

Ready to Improve Your Culture? 

As with brand identity, for a company culture to be effective, it must be articulated throughout the organization, lived out by the leadership, and reinforced by people at every level.

If you’re ready for a happier workforce and successful results, we have you covered:

  • Start with Introspection
    A good rule of thumb for determining what changes your company needs? Reflect inward. Are you excited to head to work each day? What improvements would make it even better? Treating employees how you want to be treated is the perfect starting point.
  • State Your Company Values
    Connect people with a purpose! What is your company’s reason for being? How do you want to conduct business? Now that you’ve reflected, time to spread the word to your team.
  • Encourage Recognition
    Positive feedback shouldn’t just come from leadership! At BKN, our team ends our weekly Monday Morning Meetings with Team Appreciations. Everyone is encouraged (not obligated) to recognize the work of their colleagues and give thanks. This practice reinforces respect for one another and ends the meeting on a high note! We’ve found this motivates the team and encourages each other to pat one another’s backs, not just as colleagues but as friends.
  • Be Flexible
    Everyone excels in different environments. Work with your team to determine what works best for you all. Can you offer hybrid work schedules or WFH? Not only does flexibility appeal to employees, but offering remote positions allows you to broaden your hiring pool to other areas and find a greater diversity of talent. (We’ve got team members near and remote!)
  • Create Positive Experiences
    Create engaging events for employees both during and after work hours. Start meetings off with fun games or activities. Plan a team event outside the office. Positive experiences help employees bond, and research shows that happiness raises business productivity by 31%. 
  • Embrace Diversity
    The greatest institutions embrace diversity in hiring, diversity in thought, and diversity in approaches. Check out our blog, BKN Creative’s Guide to June’s DEI Holidays, for tips to incorporate more diversity, equity, and inclusion into your company.
  • Open Communication – Your culture is defined by your team’s experiences, so create a system for open, regular feedback. Your people WANT to share their thoughts and recommendations, and the more you ask them, the more invested they’ll be in continuously improving your business.

Follow these steps to improve trust, cooperation, accountability, and equity at your company. Creating a good environment is not just the right thing to do; it will pay you back in spades. Follow @BKNCreative on social for more tips to improve workplace vibes, plus glimpses into our whimsical, wild, and creative world! There isn’t any “one-size-fits-all” culture that works for every company, but it is absolutely worth the effort. 

What do you love about your organization’s culture? How can it improve? Drop us a line to share your experiences. We want to hear from YOU!