5 Signs that Your Business is Ready for a Marketing Agency

Marketing Agency
Marketing Agency

At BKN Creative we’ve had the opportunity to work with many different brands which also happen to span across multiple different industries. One of the things we’ve noticed, across the board, is that most businesses don’t entirely understand what marketing their business really means – or at the very least, HOW to market their business. When, where, and how to utilize the many facets of marketing are all very important questions that we hear very often. So how do you know when your business is ready to work with a Marketing Agency? Now! The answer is now. And good news! We’ve been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. But really, we’ve got the T-shirt!

Impact and timing are key to effective marketing. There is no time to waste in deciding how to proceed with the marketing for your business. To help you decide if your business is ready to take the plunge, we’ve put together the top 5 signs it’s time for you to hire a marketing agency.  

#1 – Marketing is not working or isn’t happening at all – If there isn’t a well-thought-out marketing plan in place then you’re probably falling short. We get it, you have tried here and there but somehow doing marketing in-house gets put off for something more immediately important. With all of the moving parts in owning a business, posting to social media with regularity or investing time and energy in your SEO can seem tedious and low on the list of priorities. Not to mention the fact that hiring an in-house marketing team to do all of this for you can be much more expensive than hiring an agency. This is why having a team of professionals in your back pocket is vital to the success of your business! If you’re only getting “Meh” results out of your current marketing efforts, it’s probably time to seek out a marketing agency.

 #2 – You’re unsure what exactly marketing is or where to start – Success in marketing doesn’t come from shooting in the dark. It is imperative to understand exactly what your business needs. What is the most effective form of marketing for your type of business? Do you really need to utilize social media? How can you get your brand’s name out there? So many questions with hundreds of answers depending on your unique situation. Sure, you could google these questions, but how do you know which of the thousands of sites to trust? You don’t! Working with an agency with proven analytics and results can help you build a strong foundation for your business. 

 #3 – Your sales are unsatisfactory – Once your business is up and running, which is no small feat, it’s time to start selling! Of course, this is much easier said than done. Even the most amazing product doesn’t just sell itself. It’s all about getting yourself in front of the right consumers and there are so many ways to do that. With SEO and website optimization along with properly implemented social media strategies, those sales can be yours. Unsure of what the heck that means? Don’t worry! That’s where your agency comes in to help you tackle all of the things you probably don’t have the time or energy to do.

Marketing Agency

 #4 – Sales are suffering from little to no leads – Hunting down leads can be a daunting task. There are many sites that can be scrubbed for contacts and multiple ways to drum up leads but unless you have your brand on-point, along with an effective website, a marketing budget, and a marketing plan in place, any lead can go cold. It’s about more than talking to the right person. Marketing and sales go hand in hand, which is why in order to see your sales grow a cohesive marketing strategy is imperative. 

You must be able to speak using your brand through social media, your website, and any other way you present to the world. Your potential lead should be able to “get to know” your business before you even speak. And, as we know, first impressions are lasting. Maybe it’s time to let a dedicated agency help you put your best foot forward so you can land those deals.

 #5 – Your Marketing budget is inaccurate – Typically Marketing is an afterthought and as a result, it isn’t written into the budget. Or if it is included in the budget, the amount allocated isn’t realistic for the business’s actual marketing needs. A quality marketing agency will give you an honest quote based on your needs and will work within your budget to give your unique business exactly what you need. That said, at the end of the day, it does cost money. Not to worry though, your marketing budget will allow you to hire professionals who can see the needs of your business that you may not. Utilizing a realistic marketing budget with a results-driven marketing agency can create both short-term and long-term ROI (return on investment) for your business. 

 Phew! That was a lot of information! Our team of experienced professionals at BKN Creative is here to help you figure out if your business is ready to take the next step in hiring a marketing agency. We offer a free consultation and flexible packages based on your business’s distinctive needs. With proven results, we stand by our clients to give them exactly what they need to get their brand off the ground. So give us a call and let us do the heavy lifting